Kristen Becker
A young UX and UI designer taking the world by storm

About me

Portrait of me
As a young woman from South Africa, I'm building a name for myself in the UX and UI design fields. Despite having excelled in math, business, and data in the past, I took an unexpected turn towards the design field.

I've grown to regard UX as an important link between doing thorough research on topics, and designing aesthetically pleasing user interfaces. It's the happy medium that balances the domains of design and data, allowing both to flourish.

I approach projects with a holistic mindset, fusing my analytical skills with a recently discovered enthusiasm for design. My method is characterized by a careful balancing act between creativity and logic, transforming complex data into aesthetically beautiful and functional user interfaces.

I had invested everything I had in my education my entire life, believing it would be the key to my success. In the last month of high school, I decided to pursue UX design. Even though, it was a total 180 from the data analyst or programming career I was considering, during my career I have devoted all of my energy to becoming a professional UX and UI designer.  I know I'm not perfect, and there's always room for growth, but considering where I started, I know I've gone a long way.

Hopefully, the next chapter of my life may now begin. From the shy small-town girl who was only known for being "smart" and good at archery, and who had no idea what she wanted to do with her life - to a grown-up woman who cheerfully pursues her design career globally, or so the dream goes.
In other news - As for hobbies, interests, and personality: I am the girl who everyone assume is Gothic, even though I am not and I just love black clothes and darker aesthetics, not because they are weird, different, quirky, or mysterious, but because these aesthetics are the ones that speak to me and feel most like me. I love Renaissance, medieval, fantasy, vintage, and Victorian styles (hence the reason my portfolio is this style).

I am a gamer. I play all kinds of games, from table-top to video games. I play role-playing games, Open world, first-person shooters, strategy games, etc. My all-time favourite game series is and always will be the Uncharted series. That series formed a part of me like no game has and made me want to be in the game industry and someday work for Naughty Dog. I regularly take part in LAN-weekends and I recently competed in a competitive Overwatch 2 competition.

I am also an archer. I did archery right throughout high school and competed nationally multiple years. Ever year for 5 years I made the provincial team, the last 3 years I was team captain and in 2019 I won 1st place nationally. These days I just shoot compound by myself. I'm also a part of the VLU. It's an all woman group in South Arica where we celebrate our Afrikaans and Christian culture (I am Christian). It's mostly older ladies but I do it happily. We all come together to do knitting, needlework, baking, make artisan goods, and more creative activities. We also play big part in the community, we regularly take up projects where we help those in need like providing woman with feminine necessities, feeding our community, and helping children in need.


I was in the top 10 of students every year throughout middle school and high school. This includes every grade between grade 4 and grade 10. In my last two years of high school, I was a Top 5 student.  

Dora is a no-code website builder designers can use to build their websites. They recently hosted their first-ever design challenge with popular YouTube creator Minh Pham. We had to make a 3D website inspired by Minh's tutorial. Out of the hundreds that competed I placed in the top 30 (27th) which was such an honor. My website was also featured in the honorable mentions video Minh and Dora posted and received special consideration for Dora's ambassador program.
     You can view all of this in a post here.


High School

I spent my entire childhood in the South African education system, following the CAPS curriculum. I was transferred from the South African public school system to an online Christian school that followed the American school system at the start of grade 11, my junior year of high school, and completed both my junior and senior years there.

While the CAPS system mandates that students complete seven subjects over the course of three years, the American school system allows students to complete subjects annually. This, along with multiple-choice exams, was a bit of a culture shock.

My final 2 years had a GPA score of 3.3 or B+.

Some of the subjects I had:

Grade 9 (2019)

  • Algebra 1 (93%)
  • World Geography (89%)
  • Earth Science (90%)

Grade 10 (2020)

  • English 2 (86%)
  • Afrikaans 2 (81%)
  • Creative Arts (85%)
  • Technology (85%)
  • Economic & management sciences (87%)

Grade 11 (2021)

American Curriculum
  • Algebra 2 (87%)
  • English 3 (89%)
  • Afrikaans 3 (90%)
  • Bible Doctrine (89%)
  • Fundamentals of software development  (93%)

Grade 12 (2022)

American Curriculum
  • Biology (87%)
  • English 4 (88%)
  • Keyboarding and Applications (88%)
  • New applications Web dev. (82%)
  • Digital Art and design (88%)
  • College Planner (90%)
  • Old Testament Survey (90%)


I completed a total of 7 courses made and hosted by Google. These seven courses provide rigorous training and teach you everything you need to know about UX design. After these seven courses, I received my professional certification. (It's a Coursera certificate since I worked on their platform)

UX design Google Professional certificate.

The seven courses I did:

  • Foundations of User Experience (UX) design
  • Start the UX design process: Empathize, Define, and Ideate
  • Build wireframes and Low fidelity prototypes
  • Conduct UX research and test early concepts
  • Create high fidelity designs and prototypes in Figma
  • Responsive web design in Adobe XD
  • Design a user experience for social good and prepare for jobs

Verify this certificate here.


Meta UX certificate

Meta has a professional course dedicated to developing apps that they made available on Coursera. I applied for their UX course and then completed it.

Verify this certificate here.

University of Michigan

The University of Michigan has its own UX design course. They published it on Coursera instead of hosting it by themselves as you can see on their website when you choose to enroll here. There are 6 courses in this professional certificate and they are much more UX research-based compared to the other UX design courses. I received financial aid for this course and completed it gratefully.

Even though they decided to host on Coursera, their professors were still the ones who taught the classes.
The professors signed my certificate as well.

University of Michigan certificate

The six courses I did:

  • Introduction to User Experience principles and processes
  • Understanding User Needs
  • Evaluating designs with users
  • UX design: from concept to prototype
  • UX research at scale: Surveys, analytics, online testing
  • UX (user experience) capstone

Verify this certificate here.